«Come on, Dana, come and arrest us». The pirate streaming service responded to the UFC president

Representatives from one of the largest pirate streaming services, Streameast News Network (SNN), responded to UFC president Dana White's claim that he is successfully combating piracy and is prepared to send «those who steal broadcasts» to prison.

«Come on, Dana, come and arrest us», — SNN representatives wrote on social media.

They emphasized that there is a distinction between free and accessible content. While Dana White's net worth is estimated at over half a billion dollars, «his fighters are forced to cover their own medical expenses». This, according to SNN representatives, is a reasonable stance. They argue that it is time to give back to the fans and pay athletes higher salaries.

It is known that the UFC is actively fighting against piracy, filing lawsuits against both individual streamers and platforms that facilitate the illegal broadcasting of their events.