Manchester City kit manager Brandon Ashton is leaving the club after 15 years of service

Manchester City kit manager Brandon Ashton is leaving the club. A farewell message from Brandon has been posted on City Xtra's Twitter.

«After 15 years at Manchester City I have decided to leave my role at the club to explore other career paths.

I have had some great experiences, met some amazing people who I know will be friends for life. For me and my family I feel it is the right time to start a new chapter, and see what new challenges I can be set.

I will always hold Manchester City close to my heart as this club has brought me from a boy to a man. The memories I have over my time at City will forever be cherished.

I want to thank all the players, management and back room staff I have worked with and also the fans I have had the pleasure to converse with over the years. I wish the lads nothing but the best this season and in the future. Brandon».